The Best DIY Knit Pet Costumes for Halloween

Knit your own super adorable pet costumes this Halloween! You can have a DIY Halloween that makes your fluffy friend the most stylish on the block. Whether your pet goes out trick-or-treating or stays at home to hand out candy (or just hides under the bed until the whole thing is over), he or she will feel toasty warm and look fabulous in these costumes.


Classic Halloween costumes like superhero capes and bumblebee costumes aren’t just for the kids! Dress your pets up in fun costumes and get them involved in Halloween fun too.

Why not make your pet their own Halloween costume! In Outrageously Adorable Pet Knits, you will find several incredibly cute costumes to make yourself.

Remember, costumes aren’t just for the dogs! Cats need a little knit-love too. If a bumblebee costume isn’t quite right for your feline friend, maybe they would prefer a nice sweater? Find inspiration from the 2015 Cats in Sweaters calendar.

This handsome fella is ready to impress the ladies in his specialty sweater. Wouldn’t you love for your cat to be as suave as this gentleman?


What is the best Halloween costume for your pet? Is your pup more of a superhero or a Shakespeare re-enactor? If the later fits your pets personality better, maybe an Elizabethan Ruff is the perfect costume.

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And if your dog is a not quite frou-frou enough for this fluffy collar, try out the scrappier superhero cape and matching wristbands. Easy to make and just the right impression for canine trick or treating!

Check out the directions below from Outrageously Adorable Dog Knits:



Teach yourself to knit super cute outfits for your pups and enjoy the hilarity of Cats in Sweaters all year. Both Outrageously Adorable Dog Knits and the 2015 Cats in Sweaters calendar are available today!

240x4009781937994914Order 2015 Cats in Sweaters calendar today.

Cats in sweaters. Is there anything cuter in the world? Both cat lovers and crafting enthusiasts will enjoy this 16-month calendar for 2015. Filled with some of the most entertaining feline photographs, this calendar shows us why cats are often considered the most beautiful and enjoyable animals to have as pets. Whether it’s January or July, these cats flaunt their tiny sweaters for your personal delight, brightening up your month with those cute eyes.

240x4009781631060434Order Outrageously Adorable Dog Knit: 25 Must-Have Styles for the Pampered Pooch today!

Dogs can’t knit. But they sure can wear it well.

Could your Chinese crested powder puff rock a vintage ruffled bonnet? Does your pug pine for a fabulous ten-gallon cowboy hat? Or perhaps your bulldog hopes to cast off his thuggish street cred with a preppy letterman sweater?

Featuring more than 25 super-cute knitting patterns and embellishments, Outrageously Adorable Dog Knits is a fun and simple way to swathe your four-legged friend in the very best of handmade finery!

With clearly explained step-by-step instructions and inspiringly hilarious photographs, this unique book provides adorable knitting projects and how-to advice for novice knitters and precocious purlers alike. So whether you wish to adorn your canine fashionista with a stylish beret, toasty legwarmers, adorable rabbit ears, or a cozy sweater for crisp winter nights, Outrageously Adorable Dog Knits is the perfect book for you.