RockPaperInk shares “Stick Sketch School” Ideas

Wouldn’t it be fun to draw your own selfies as stick person sketches? We think so, so we published Stick Sketch School. This book features detailed instructions and guides on ways to make your stick figure drawings full of personality and charm.

stick sketch school, stick person, sketch, sketching, personality

Take notes from RockPaperInk and get your selfie looking good!

In the real world, stereotyping and profiling are frowned upon. But in the stick world, stereotypes rule, as they provide visual clues that help make it easier to identify the gender of your stick figure! For example, some artistic details like eyelashes, facial hair, hairstyles, body shape, clothing, and accessories can be closely associated with specific genders in pop culture.

Read the entirety of the RockPaperInk article by clicking here.