All our favorite things, right qgeekbooks?!




Let us sing the songs of our people.

Supernatural…we have no theme song 😦

NYAAAAFWOOOOPP *annoying ringing in ear* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEENEGJIJEIOGWJ ORSGSOIGJJSKLVDLXDXSLVMGSLKGJRG *Static* *static* *silence*

Hypernovas and Gamma-Rays Bursts


Have you ever wondered how the rayguns from your favorite science fiction books and movies work? Here’s a description of how gamma rays occur in space from Christopher Cooper’s Our Sun.


Recently, scientists have classified a specific type of core collapse called a hypernova….

Hypernovas and Gamma-Rays Bursts

We are so excited about a new book coming up with The Geeky Chef. Here’s a sneak peek sure to bring out your inner nerd on Star Wars Day. 
Otherwise known as “Blue Milk” or “Tatooine Milk,” Luke Skywalker and his Aunt and Uncle are seen drinking this mysterious beverage at breakfast right before Luke’s adventures begin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The drink has appeared in numerous Star Wars games, books and movies since. Now, I know this recipe sounds a bit weird, but, I mean, have you seen a Bantha? They look like a cross between a mammoth, a ram and a garbage truck. I see a lot of Star Wars fans trying to get their Luke Skywalker on just adding blue food dye to their milk. That’s great, but I wanted to take it one step further and make this beverage taste like it could actually be milk from a bizarre creature living in a galaxy far, far away. So, the goat milk gives it a sort of unusual not-the-cow-milk-we-all-know-and-love quality. The avocado adds some additional protein and thickness. The other ingredients make it palatable. More than palatable, I think it tastes quite nice. Of course, other milks can be substituted if you’re vegan/allergic/grossed out by goats.

Star Wars: Bantha Milk Recipe 

1 Serving 
1 Cup Goat Milk (other milks can be substituted) 
2 tbs Avocado
2 tbs Blueberry Syrup 
1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream 
4-5 drops Blue Food Dye 
1) Use the Force to blend all ingredients together. 
2) Poor into cup of choice. 
3) Enjoy!

Vintage Crossword Puzzles


Are you good with words? Tend to buy a newspaper solely for that certain puzzle on the back page? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Crossword puzzles have been popular in our country for decades. In fact, crossword puzzles from each decade construct a sort of timeline of knowledge. Put your skills to the test with these awesome vintage puzzles from The Curious History of the Crossword.






