5 works of art from Burning Man that will make you cry

1. The Embrace (2014)

Visitors to Black Rock City this year are lucky enough to bear witness a 72-foot high hug. Two intertwined, larger-than-life human figures are the same scale as the Statute of Liberty and tower above the playa to form one of the central works of art at this year’s Burning Man festival.

“The Embrace,” created by The Pier Group is not just an ode to love and real human connection: it’s also a functional building space, with spacious interiors where Burners can seek shelter and spend time together.

Matthew Schultz, a member of The Pier Group, said, “We hope that ‘The Embrace’ inspires people to be in awe of what we can build together. It’s about cherishing each moment, it’s about being here in the now, being present with the people you care about, with the people you love.”


“The Embrace” is so full of hope, so full of love and acceptance and a spirit of deep connection that it will surely bring tears to even a stoic reveler’s eyes.

2. Bliss Dance (2010) and Truth is Beauty (2013)

Each of these massive sculptures depicts a female nude in a state of joy. The first, Bliss Dance, appeared on the playa in 2010, followed by Truth Is Beauty in 2013. Artist Marco Cochrane imagined the sculptures as a series of three, designed to call attention to the treatment of women and to depict them in a state of beauty, safety, and self-acceptance. Inspired by the traumatic assault of a childhood friend, he dedicates this series to the empowerment of the female, which he believes would return the world to a more peaceful balance.

Cochrane credits the open-minded culture of Burning Man for inspiring the sculptures. “I’m trying to demystify nudity. I see how free women are on the playa, how they can possess a playful energy here that they cannot do in real life.”

The simple beauty and power of these joyful women inspires such revery that they are likely to inspire tears.

3. The Temples (Multiple Years)

The most visible symbol of inspiration and praise in Black Rock City is the Temple, which is always situated at the very top of the city, in the open playa due north of the Man. The Temple is a deeply spiritual place, one that offers a sacred space for contemplation, free from religious or denominational tenets. Its design changes every year, but its meaning remains the same: a place for the community to celebrate the gifts of life, reflect on the past, remember loved ones, and relinquish sadness to the flames that ritually engulf the Temple and close the event on Sunday night.

The Temples are a monument to spirituality and if the humility and inspiration you feel when you walk in to the sacred space doesn’t fill your eyes with tears of awe, sacrificing the temple to the fire on Sunday night will certainly awaken cathartic emotions.

Inside the Temple of Whollyness in 2013.

The Temple of Wholiness, 2013

Temple of Juno, 2012

Temple of Hope, 2006 

4. Crude Awakening (2007)

The power of Burning Man is that it doesn’t let attendees off the hook. It holds attendees responsible for maintaning the edicts of the festival, including sharing and radical inclusion. Through art, the festival also can call attention to heart-breaking environmental problems and societal ailments while recognizing that attendees are both part of the problem AND the hope for a solution.

“Crude Awakening,” in 2007, did just that. From Burning Man: Art on Fire, A highly political statement formed the philosophical centerpiece of 2007’s “Green Man” theme. A dramatic commentary on the international dependence on fossil fuels, the installation featured a 90-foot oil derrick, surrounded by nine giant seven-ton sculptures of salvaged metal ignited with flames and worshipping at the altar of oil. Each of the figures represented a different ethnicity in postures of supplication in a diverse array of religious traditions.”

This art will bring tears to your eyes when you realize the powerlessness we have in the face of big business, but it also should rally in you a call to power so vibrant and urgent that you can dig deep and make the changes you need to make to, quite literally, save the world.

5. The Man (Every Year)

Every year at the close of the Burning Man Festival in Black Rock Desert, the playa is lit on fire. In tribute to the festival’s name, the man is burned. Every year, people return to their lives a little wiser, a little freer, and with their creative energy pumped up and flowing.

Burning Man attracts a community that so many of us are so desperate for as we go through our daily lives, go through the motion of our careers and glide past our family members without the deep spiritual and creative connection we need to thrive.

“We will always burn the Man,” declares the mission statement of Burning Man. The creation of this tradition, and the foundation of a community that is completely dedicated to the values of this festival is, without a doubt, powerful enough to make you cry.

“As if you were on fire from within, the moon lives in the lining of your skin.” — Pablo Neruda

Credits for the photography and many quotes from this blog post to Burning Man: Art on Fire, written by Jennifer Raiser, introduction by Larry Harvey, with photographs from Scott London and Sidney Erthal.

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Let us sing the songs of our people.

Supernatural…we have no theme song 😦

NYAAAAFWOOOOPP *annoying ringing in ear* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEENEGJIJEIOGWJ ORSGSOIGJJSKLVDLXDXSLVMGSLKGJRG *Static* *static* *silence*

Jane Austen Inspired Summer Book Club Recipes and Drinks


If you’re hosting friends for a party or book club meeting this summer, go all-in with a Jane Austen theme. Just make sure to be on your best manners to properly honor Ms. Austen!

As the host or hostess, you should sit at the head of the table, and make sure to never exclaim about the quality or deliciousness of the food you are serving. Let your guests proclaim its tastiness while you remain silent on the subject. Set your table carefully, arranging each guests’ plate with thought.


(Picture from JaneAusten.co.uk.)

Now what to serve…? Here are some Austen-inspired snacks and drinks to throw your guests into the Janeite spirit.

Arthur Parker’s Hot Cocoa:

Arthur Parker is the youngest Parker brother in the book Sandition. Stout, broad made with a lusty appetite for hot chocolate and buttered toast. Cosseted into believing himself to be of delicate health.

“Then I will help myself,” said he. “A large dish of rather weak cocoa every evening agrees with me better than anything.” It struck her, however, as he poured out this rather weak cocoa, that it came forth in a very fine, dark-colored stream…”


(Picture from JaneAusten.co.uk)

Austen Era Hot Chocolate (recipe from Gilded Fork)


2 cups milk
1 ounce bittersweet chocolate (we used Valrhona Caraibe)
1 cinnamon stick, crushed
4 cardamom pods, crushed
3 tablespoons sugar, to taste
Whipped cream (optional)
Cocoa powder for dusting (optional)


Add all ingredients to a small saucepan and place over low flame. Whisk occasionally to incorporate the melting chocolate. Do not bring to a boil, or the milk will form a skin. When first bubbles begin to appear around the edge of the pan, remove from heat and strain into two warmed cups.

Or, if you’re interested in a drink of the alcoholic variety, try this cocktail recipe served at dances and children’s parties in the mid-1800’s. It’s very likely that Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy sipped Negus at their occasional social run-ins.


“To every pint of port wine, allow 1 quart of boiling water, 1/4 lb. of sugar, 1 lemon, grated nutmeg to taste.”


But you can’t just drink (well… sometimes). Try these sweet snacks to serve to your Austen-style party guests.

Jam Tarts

Plain flour – 3/4 cup + 2 tbsp (14 oz)
Salt – ¼ tsp
Butter or margarine – 7 tbsp (3½ oz)
Margarine or lard – 7 tbsp (3½ oz)
Cold water – to mix
12 tsp. Fruit Jam

  1. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Add the fats. Cut into the flour with a knife then rub in with your fingertips. The mixture should resemble fine breadcrumbs.
  2. Sprinkle water over the crumbs. Mix to a stiff crumbly-looking paste with a round-ended knife. Draw together with fingertips, turn out on to a lightly floured work surface. Knead quickly until smooth and crack free.
  3. Roll out and use as required. If not to be used immediately, transfer to a polythene bag or wrap in aluminium foil and refrigerate.
  4. Roll out the pastry and cut out 12 circles with a 7.5 cm (3 inch) cutter. Line the 12 holes of a bun tin with the pastry.
  5. Place a teaspoon of the jam in each pastry case. Do not overfill or the jam will boil over and make a very sticky mess.
  6. Bake at 200 °C / 400 °F 6 for 15 minutes or until the pastry is golden. Cool on a wire rack.Modern recipe from Helen’s British Cooking Site.

Like Charlotte’s favorite mince pies in Pride and Prejudice, these mince pies are the best comfort food for your summer party guests!

Recipe from JaneAusten.co.uk: http://www.janeausten.co.uk/mince-pie-at-sea/


• Pastry for 23 cm / 9 in double crust pie
• 2 large Apples, chopped fine
• 225 g / 8 oz / ½ lb of Beef Suet, minced
• 90 g / 3 oz / ½ cup Raisins
• 120 g / 4 oz / ½ cup Sugar
• 60 g / 2 oz / ¼ cup Candied Orange Peel
• 2 tbsp Citron, cut fine
• 1/4 tsp Nutmeg
• 1/8 tsp Cinnamon
• 6-8 Cloves
• 75 ml / 3 fl oz / 1/3 cup Brandy or 1 oz
Brandy Extract and ¼ Cup Apple Juice
Preheat your oven to 220° C / 425° F.

Mix together the suet, apple, raisins and sugar. Add the remaining spices, fruit and
brandy or juice.

Line a deep dish pie plate with pastry, and add the mince filling.

Roll out the remaining crust and cut a pattern in the top to vent the pie. Place the top crust
on the pie and crimp the edges together.

Bake for 35-40 minutes.http://www.janeausten.co.uk/wp-admin/post.php?post=694&action=edit

Serves 8

Our inspiration for this blog post: http://www.janeausten.co.uk/online-magazine/regency-recipes/

janeitesworld janeite janeiteification janeiteforever janeaustenyeah janeausten janeaustenapproved janeaustenland

We are so excited about a new book coming up with The Geeky Chef. Here’s a sneak peek sure to bring out your inner nerd on Star Wars Day. 
Otherwise known as “Blue Milk” or “Tatooine Milk,” Luke Skywalker and his Aunt and Uncle are seen drinking this mysterious beverage at breakfast right before Luke’s adventures begin in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The drink has appeared in numerous Star Wars games, books and movies since. Now, I know this recipe sounds a bit weird, but, I mean, have you seen a Bantha? They look like a cross between a mammoth, a ram and a garbage truck. I see a lot of Star Wars fans trying to get their Luke Skywalker on just adding blue food dye to their milk. That’s great, but I wanted to take it one step further and make this beverage taste like it could actually be milk from a bizarre creature living in a galaxy far, far away. So, the goat milk gives it a sort of unusual not-the-cow-milk-we-all-know-and-love quality. The avocado adds some additional protein and thickness. The other ingredients make it palatable. More than palatable, I think it tastes quite nice. Of course, other milks can be substituted if you’re vegan/allergic/grossed out by goats.

Star Wars: Bantha Milk Recipe 

1 Serving 
1 Cup Goat Milk (other milks can be substituted) 
2 tbs Avocado
2 tbs Blueberry Syrup 
1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream 
4-5 drops Blue Food Dye 
1) Use the Force to blend all ingredients together. 
2) Poor into cup of choice. 
3) Enjoy!

Magnified Seawater is Terrifying, Sand is Beautiful

Crazy beautiful sand images!


Today, this drop of seawater has been floating around the Internet. 


To sum up my feelings about this, I have created this image. 


And to cleanse my eyeballs, I decided to take a look at some of the more beautiful, non-nightmare-fuel images of nature. Below are photos of magnified grains of sand. These images focus on the patterns found within naturally formed granules. Enjoy.







– – – 

For more awesome images of sand, check out the book.


Prepare yourselves, Sherlock fans: Sherlock may get a one-off episode in May!

“Mark Gatiss may beat me up, but there is an idea for this one-off special that’s such a good idea.”

YES. This is happening. That quote was from Martin Freeman, who plays Watson on TV’s Sherlock series. This is huge. Season 3 ended with a “three-pipe problem” and a particularly nasty, cruel, and shrewd Sherlock. After such an epic finale, fans of the show were disappointed that filming of Season 4 might have been delayed by two years. 

Martin continued, saying, “As I was listening to it, I thought ‘we’ve just got to do this.’ It’s a fantastic, really mouth-watering idea. But I really don’t know when we are going to get to do it.”

And… while you’re waiting…and salivating… pick up Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Classics and fall into the adventures of the literary pipe smoker, Sherlock Holmes. 


You probably best know Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s work from his (in)famously flawed character Sherlock Holmes. Sir Doyle also wrote poetry, which is quite lovely if you like hunting and manly things like that.  

A Hunting Morning 

Put the saddle on the mare,
For the wet winds blow;
There’s winter in the air,
And autumn all below.
For the red leaves are flying
And the red bracken dying,
And the red fox lying
Where the oziers grow.

Put the bridle on the mare,
For my blood runs chill;
And my heart, it is there,
On the heather-tufted hill,
With the gray skies o’er us,
And the long-drawn chorus
Of a running pack before us
From the find to the kill.

Then lead round the mare,
For it’s time that we began,
And away with thought and care,
Save to live and be a man,
While the keen air is blowing,
And the huntsman holloing,
And the black mare going
As the black mare can.
