Master the Art of The Stick Figure!

Inside Stick Sketch School, you’ll learn how to create everything from stick characters and stick animals to stick wars and stick cities. Artist Billy Attinger of Stick World has created a teach-yourself-to-draw book describing his renowned stick figures.

Social media feeds and other online resources are the perfect home for this brand of simple, pithy and (often) wickedly funny art. Stick figures are the easiest thing to draw and have a simplicity of their message that makes them popular among those who aren’t as talented in the drawing arena than some.

In Stick Sketch School, Billy Attinger teaches you how to use motion, emotion and personality to bring out the best in the stick figure. With 12 “lessons” and over 50 prompts, your stick figures will be professional grade in no time. Stick Sketch School is a creative and indispensable guide to getting your ideas onto the page, online, and out into the world.
StickSketchSchoolCoverAbout Stick Sketch School:

Since Billy Attinger founded his company, Stick World, pop culture has exploded with stick figure art. Social media feeds and other online resources are the perfect home for this brand of simple, pithy, and (often) wickedly funny art. Stick figure images and messages are easily conveyed through social media, frequently going viral because of the sheer simplicity of their message (translate: it’s easy to read and share on your phone). However, without motion, emotion, and personality, a stick figure drawing is only what its name implies – flat, crude, and two-dimensional. Billy Attinger’s Stick Sketch Schoolguides artists through the surprising nuance of creating compelling stick figures. With dozens of handy “lessons” and over fifty creative prompts, you’ll figure out how to:

*draw a stick selfie

*sketch big personalities with just a few lines

*express emotion and motion with stick figures

*personalize with embellishments and accessories

*work with stick figures in a digital environment

You’ll learn how to create everything from stick characters and stick animals to stick wars and stick cities. Stick Sketch School is a creative and indispensable guide to getting your ideas onto the page, online, and out into the world.

RockPaperInk shares “Stick Sketch School” Ideas

Wouldn’t it be fun to draw your own selfies as stick person sketches? We think so, so we published Stick Sketch School. This book features detailed instructions and guides on ways to make your stick figure drawings full of personality and charm.

stick sketch school, stick person, sketch, sketching, personality

Take notes from RockPaperInk and get your selfie looking good!

In the real world, stereotyping and profiling are frowned upon. But in the stick world, stereotypes rule, as they provide visual clues that help make it easier to identify the gender of your stick figure! For example, some artistic details like eyelashes, facial hair, hairstyles, body shape, clothing, and accessories can be closely associated with specific genders in pop culture.

Read the entirety of the RockPaperInk article by clicking here.