Merci, Madam, for the Lesson in French

thank you card, merci, blank card, thank you, card set, gift set

Dear Madam Joie,

Merci beaucoup for being such a boring teacher.

Truly, Madam Joie, my dearest and most sincere thanks to you for being the dullest teacher I had in high school.

I enrolled for your class as a freshman with dreams of walking the streets of Paris, speaking sophisticated, flawless French with my gorgeous French lovers, riding bicyclettes and eating French fromage et baguettes. You crushed those dreams with your endless droning and odd, strangely-conjugated tangents that bored even the most passionate French scholar to tears. Gone was every drop of romance from this romance language. Gone was the grace, the majesty of the l’accent aigu and l’accent grave.

I don’t know if you were having personal problems the year I sat in your French class. Maybe your dog died. Maybe you were battling an addiction. Frankly, it would explain a lot. If so, I am sorry for your trouble during that time.

The good news is that I met someone in your class and your inept teaching helped deepen our budding relationship. My desk neighbor, my partner in boredom, Ben (remember him?), sat right beside me and kept me company. Instead of mastering the French language, we mastered the meaningful sidelong glance and became incredibly proficient at passing secret notes. Ben made me laugh and somehow we got each other through the fifty minutes of torture that you attempted to inflict on us.

So thank you, Madam Joie, teacher of French 101. I write to you on my wedding day. Because of you and all your shortcomings, I met the love of my life.




Thank You cards for every occasion… “So Many Ways To Say Thank You” Cards:

This set of 15 beautifully hand lettered thank you cards provide a unique way the send a thank you note to someone special. Featuring three cards each of Merci (French), Thank You (English), Danke (German), Grazie (Italian), and Gracias (Spanish).